
Subliminal Realms The Masterpiece Collectors

Albert had everything a painter could want, a successful business with a loving family to support him. But for the last few months he's been plagued by nightmares, by visions of a terrifying being that he has named Solitude. One stormy evening, he finds his nightmares have become reality when Solitude kidnaps his family, taking them deep into her painting. Albert yearns to free them, but doing so will come at a high price. All his memories have been corrupted and now only Solitude knows the truth. Albert must face his fears and journey onward, armed only with his paintbrushes and his love for this family. Can he save them, or will Solitude's painting become his final masterpiece?

    Discover the origins in the bonus game
    Create masterpieces in the workshop
    Take on a secret card game
    A comprehensive strategy guide and achievements
    Wallpapers, concept art, soundtrack, and more

Thanks to Velocity


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